
There are some requests here and there and I also have many things in mind regarding future of For Fashion. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to make this subpage to list all the things waiting for the precious time to implement them. ;)

Some of the items in the list below may be just bugs and some features. Regardless if their nature I will aim to fix/make thme all!

If you'd like to add more work to my life just send me a message through contact form or by reddit (/u/DraghmarTheDrakk). BTW This list is by no means complete. I will expand it's contents whenever something new comes up.

The List

  • Make ToDo list. ;)
  • Mark items that are available only during events.
  • Add form field to indicate that the asset drops only for event.
  • Make select field close when another field is being opened.
  • Mobile version in horizontal layout doesn't work properly.
  • Add last 10 additions to the DB somewhere. (thanks Alfalis!)
  • Add color swatches used in outfits as a subpage. (thanks OneTrueKram!)
  • Rearrange mobile asset menu to be more user friendly.
  • Do something about responsiveness of the mobile version, especially on slower browsers.
  • Consider making mobile version bigger then they are now or add button to switch full resolution instead of lower one.
  • Add simple search and filter to make easier finding assets by name.
  • Different versions of each of the assets, aka gallery.
  • Do something with icon menu to store more items there - probably by moving some of the elements into hidden sub menu and button to open it.
  • Check if there are no issues with the star attribute being set even if it wasn't chosen for upload.
  • Go through the assets submited before site did go live and insert them into DB. (thanks Alfalis!)
  • Parse the dates for the older assets to determine the season there came with. (thanks Alfalis!)
  • Check possible memory issues if there were loaded many classes - black screen instead of images, even background.
  • Implement setting URL when choosing asset to point to that exact asset.
  • Load asset based on provided URL.
  • Swap screenshots for the Aramusha weapons with that provided by zombielemur [thanks!] with more emphasis on the guard detail.
  • Change behaviour of the expand button to cycle through how image is displayed: cover, contain, original - this way it should be much easier to get the better look on the asset.
  • Try to change both image loading and form request with Fetch API (I Promise I'll look into it sooner then later ;)).
  • Make a checklist to remember what assets are still needs to be found in order to 'have them all'.
  • Add option to mark weapons that change color based on Team Color.
  • Rewrite menu to work better against more options - there are already lots of items which streches everything way too much. Especially when you're at 1440p ;)).
  • Add event icon to the menu.
  • Add Battle Pass icon to the menu and below asset.
  • Delegate compression process to the subtask so it won't block main thread and thus make sending form much faster.

For Fashion's local storage is probably corrupted. You may refresh the site and check if it will help. It probably won't. As a another solution you can hit the button below. It will remove corrupted entry and refresh the site. That should really help but if it won't then there's also option to let me know somehow about that. Like through the reddit for example. ;)